letting the light in album hurricane holly

Letting the Light IN Album is here!! 

I am creating an album in two parts with 7 songs in each half! The first half has launched world wide everywhere!!
The first half: Letting the Light In.
It’s summer vibes, pop, nautical, hopeful, and kid friendly with some rocking anthems and sweet melodies.

The second half will be released approximately 6 months apart so stay tuned and if you are able to help with this momentous venture, please take a look at my

fundraising efforts


Screaming the Storm Out

It’s rock Millennial Covid Realness with pain, love, healing, laughter… and maybe a few vermin:)

I’ll be posting sneak peaks and previews to what songs will be included and some sound clips for my

Patrons on Patreon so please join my favorite starfish there.

Letting the Light in On Spotify

Please “Heart” and add to a play list to help me out with the algorithm and to maybe get onto some of the big playlists. 

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